The Jump Rope Company Ltd & Coach Chris

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Top 10 Reasons to Invest in a Beaded Rope

When choosing your first jump rope, you have quite a few options to pick from. But as a jump rope coach, I always strongly recommend beaded ropes to all of my clients as their first investment for a multitude of reasons. So let’s dig into it. Let’s explore the ten reasons why beaded ropes are so benefitical for you, especially when starting out with jump rope, and how they could be the one thing you need to progress faster and avoid developing bad habits.

1 Designed for beginners

Beaded ropes have a simple design. They consist of a cord with segmented beads on it. And that’s it. They’re not over-engineered, they have no ‘working parts’ that can break. And yet despite their seemingly simple design, they have a versatility that trumps any other rope. They’re suitable for beginners and they’re used by world champions. A beaded rope’s design enables the jumper to learn with better technique and hinders them in no way, whereas a lot of other ropes do. Common complains from beginners starting out with jump rope are either their rope is too light, it breaks too easily or it kinks and stretches. A beaded rope solves all these issues.

2 More feedback, more progress

Because of the segmented beads, these jump ropes are heavier than other beginner ropes. This provides the jumper with a lot more feedback which helps them learn where the rope is around them as they use it. Feedback from the rope is extremely important for developing good rope control which helps the jumper progress faster. Without good rope control, it’s significantly harder to learn more advanced skills such as double unders or releases.

3 Completely kink-free

Because the beads are segmented along the cord, they exhibit their own inertia as the rope travels around you. This keeps the shape of the rope’s arc complete regardless of your speed, and this means the rope is completely kink free. Kinking is huge problem when learning new skills, but it’s also a problem when you’re finished your workout. Storing the rope in your gym bag means it’s likely going to get thrown in there and tangled up. A tangled rope can develop permanent kinks. People will tell you to put your kinked PVC rope in a pot of boiling water to undo the kinks, but this dangerous and I do not recommend it. Instead invest in a rope that won’t kink - invest in a rope that’s fit for purpose without requiring you to do something dangerous to maintain it.

4 Also, stretch-free

Another problem with other ropes is they can stretch. This might not seem much of a problem, but this diminishes the feedback you get from the rope. This isn’t helpful as you begin doing more advanced skills like double unders where speed equals power which equals more stretching. The cord in the beaded jump ropes I provide is the strongest cord available in any jump rope on the market today.

5 Made to fit you

A big problem a lot of beginners struggle with when they first start is using a rope that’s too long for them. Using a jump rope that’s too long can lead you to develop poor form, and bad habits. When your jump rope is too long for you it can really curb your progress, and I see a lot of clients approach me because they’re frustrated with a lack of progress - and this is always instantly remedied by me helping them size their rope correctly. For a beginner, you jump rope should be your height plus 3ft (or 92cm). No longer. So why how does this relate to beaded ropes? Not only are they fully adjustable but I offer them in four sizes. A lot other ropes come in a one-size fits all or ‘small/large’ options which doesn’t convey the nuance of body size and height. You wouldn’t buy running shoes that are two sizes too big? It’s common practice for brands to recommend that you tie knots in your rope to alter its length, but this then begs the question, why are you encouraging the consumer to modify the product instead of offering appropriate sizes? You wouldn’t see clothes store sell only one size of trousers and then advise you to roll up the hem to fit you. Beaded ropes are tailored to you. They’re made to fit you.

6 100% shatterproof

The segmented beads are made from a material that is 100% shatterproof so breaking your rope is a thing of the past once you invest in a beaded rope. Obviously, wear and tear is inevitable with extreme use, especially on hard surfaces, but because this only really affects the 8-12 beads in the very centre of the rope. So not only will you no longer have to buy whole replacement ropes, the cost to replenish a couple beads is super cost inexpensive. Maximise value, minimum cost.

7 Kind to the environment

By choosing a beaded rope from me, you’re being kinder to the environment. The segmented beads, short handles and cord on my jump ropes are 100% recyclable and more widely recyclable than most other jump ropes available on the market today. Plastic consumption is one of the world’s toughest issues as global warming and global industrialisation continues to grow, so being kind to the environment is something I’m very proud of.

8 And kind to your wallet

On top of being kinder to the environment, beaded ropes are far kinder to your wallet too, more so than other jump ropes that are marketed to beginners. A beginners set of jump ropes from one of the leading brands could cost you as much as £224! That’s nearly 2500% the price of a 9ft beaded jump rope. A beginner should not have to spend that much to pick up a new hobby.

9 Fully customisable

We are all individuals. We are unique. One of the best things about beaded ropes is that as a beginner, you are not restricted on choice at all. You can completely customise your rope, and with thousands of possible combinations, you’re literally spoilt for choice. Don’t follow the crowd, cruise in your own lane. Embrace your creativity, at no extra cost.

10 A lifetime guarantee

Yes, you heard me. A lifetime. I’m so confident that a beaded rope from me is a real investment in you, that if you somehow manage to break it, I’ll replace it free of charge. Before I became a coach, I would do a lot of jump rope workouts, and broke my ropes constantly. It infuriated me that this piece of sports equipment was not designed to cope with the abuse that is only inevitable in sports. That is why I recommend beaded ropes, and that is why I offer them on my website. I do not recommend them because I sell them, in fact it’s the other way round entirely.