Fat Loss Chris Walker Fat Loss Chris Walker

Can A Protein RIch Diet Benefit Jump Rope Training?

Jump rope training is an effective and versatile exercise that helps improve many aspect of fitness including cardiovascular, bone density and muscular endurance. If you want to maximise these benefits, it's important to understand the crucial role that nutrition, in particular protein, plays in supporting jump rope training. In today’s post, we’ll talk about the importance of protein and how you can incorporate it into your daily diet.

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Workouts Chris Walker Workouts Chris Walker

What’s a Good Playlist For Jump Rope?

There are many ways you can get your jump rope workout done. One of those ways is to music. This can be simply for the vibe and energy the music adds to your session, or you can use the music to help push you in your training. I have a Spotify playlist which I curated for clients to jump to for the latter.

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Injuries Chris Walker Injuries Chris Walker

Can You Jump Rope With Resistance Bands?

One issue that can arise from jump rope, especially when the jumper has muscle imbalances in their legs, is a mild case of Valgus Knee (Knock Knees) where the person’s knees develop a tendency to drift in towards each other. Can we fix these resistance bands when we jump? The short answer is no. And here’s why.

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Workouts Chris Walker Workouts Chris Walker

Is Jump Rope A HIIT Workout?

HIIT workouts are a popular way to get your cardiovascular training done. They’re an efficient way to get a lot done in a short amount of time, making them a very suitable option for time-conscious gym-goers. Jump rope can make this an even better effect, due to how efficiently it burns calories compared to other types of cardio.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Do A Double Under?

The double under is a staple of jump rope skills. Everyone everywhere knows what it is, and when showing someone new it’s one of the things to blow them away. In some circles, such as CrossFit, the double under is a staple movement upon which competitions are based. So how do we unlock the double under and how do we become truly proficient at it? Let’s dig into it.

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Freestyle, Getting Started, Tricktionary+ Chris Walker Freestyle, Getting Started, Tricktionary+ Chris Walker

Where To Find Jump Rope Challenges?

One of the easiest ways to develop new habits or learn a new skill is by setting yourself small challenges which you can consistently achieve. This gives momentum to the learning process and increases enjoyment tenfold. Jump rope offers countless ways for you to challenge yourself through complex and creative combos. If you’re looking for some inspiration for jump rope challenges then there’s a place you can go which offers the largest library of challenges on the internet. Nateflix.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Learn The Awesome Annie?

The Awesome Annie is one of the most famous jump rope tricks, in part due to how recognisable it is and how fun it looks! An Awesome Annie is a side swing movement under the legs where the jumper switches between the Toad and Leg Over hand placements without ever jumping the loop of the rope. So how do we learn it? Let’s find out.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Shuffle With A Jump Rope?

Shuffling with a jump rope is one of the hottest new trends in the sport of jump rope. It’s all over social media. And for good reason, it can look really smooth when done well. As challenging as it appears though, it can be broken down into a simple footwork pattern which is easily learnt.

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Ropes Chris Walker Ropes Chris Walker

Can You Do Jump Rope Without A Rope?

You may come across ‘cordless’ jump ropes, usually with a digital counter for measuring calories and jumps. These seem like the perfect solution for someone struggling to pick up the technique when first starting out with jump rope. But unfortunately, like with most things in life, there are no shortcuts.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Learn The TJ?

The TJ is a high-level multiple under skill where the jumper performs a triple under whilst crossing their arm under their leg (known as a Toad). It’s one of the first leg crosses multiple unders most jumpers learn as they become more advanced, and for good reason - it’s really fun! It can seem daunting at first glance, but there’s a simple progression you can follow to unlock and master this skill.

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