Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Do A Double Under?

The double under is a staple of jump rope skills. Everyone everywhere knows what it is, and when showing someone new it’s one of the things to blow them away. In some circles, such as CrossFit, the double under is a staple movement upon which competitions are based. So how do we unlock the double under and how do we become truly proficient at it? Let’s dig into it.

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Freestyle, Getting Started, Tricktionary+ Chris Walker Freestyle, Getting Started, Tricktionary+ Chris Walker

Where To Find Jump Rope Challenges?

One of the easiest ways to develop new habits or learn a new skill is by setting yourself small challenges which you can consistently achieve. This gives momentum to the learning process and increases enjoyment tenfold. Jump rope offers countless ways for you to challenge yourself through complex and creative combos. If you’re looking for some inspiration for jump rope challenges then there’s a place you can go which offers the largest library of challenges on the internet. Nateflix.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Learn The Awesome Annie?

The Awesome Annie is one of the most famous jump rope tricks, in part due to how recognisable it is and how fun it looks! An Awesome Annie is a side swing movement under the legs where the jumper switches between the Toad and Leg Over hand placements without ever jumping the loop of the rope. So how do we learn it? Let’s find out.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Shuffle With A Jump Rope?

Shuffling with a jump rope is one of the hottest new trends in the sport of jump rope. It’s all over social media. And for good reason, it can look really smooth when done well. As challenging as it appears though, it can be broken down into a simple footwork pattern which is easily learnt.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Learn The TJ?

The TJ is a high-level multiple under skill where the jumper performs a triple under whilst crossing their arm under their leg (known as a Toad). It’s one of the first leg crosses multiple unders most jumpers learn as they become more advanced, and for good reason - it’s really fun! It can seem daunting at first glance, but there’s a simple progression you can follow to unlock and master this skill.

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Freestyle, Terminology Chris Walker Freestyle, Terminology Chris Walker

What Types Of Jump Rope Tricks Are There?

The beautiful thing about jump rope is how much creativity there is in all the possible skills and styles that exist. It’s truly endless. However, for someone whose trying to learn jump rope, this can be intimidating and leave them feeling overwhelmed. Rest assured, all skills can be grouped into eight simple categories. These eight categories help us make sense of the vast universe of possibilities in jump rope. Let’s look at them.

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Freestyle, Workouts Chris Walker Freestyle, Workouts Chris Walker

Can You Jump Rope On Rest Days?

One of the best aspects of jump rope is how diverse it is as an exercise tool. In freestyle, there is a whole branch of skills which don’t include jumping whatsoever. These non-jumping skills include step-throughs, wraps, and releases. For those looking for something to do on a rest day to keep active, a a non-jumping freestyle jump rope is a great option! Let’s look at a few of these skills.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

Is Jump Rope Dance A Thing?

There are many styles of jump rope, from traditional competition freestyle to the minimalist boxer style. In recent years, thanks in part to the explosion in jump rope’s popularity on TikTok and Instagram due to the global pandemic, a style of jump rope has emerged called Dance Rope. Similar to the boxer style, dance rope prioritises footwork, but with some more complex movement patterns and a lot more arm work.

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Freestyle, Terminology Chris Walker Freestyle, Terminology Chris Walker

What Are Jump Rope Quads?

In jump rope, a jumper can move the rope fast enough such that it completes more than one rotation around its body in a single jump. Quadruple unders, often simply called ‘quads’, are multiple unders where the rope completes four rotations around the jumper’s body before they land.

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Getting Started, Freestyle Chris Walker Getting Started, Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Learn Jump Rope Tricks?

As a professional jump rope coach, one of my missions is to make jump rope as accessible as possible, so I believe no one should have to pay to start. For beginners, it can be hard to know where to start. There is so much to learn and it all seems so impressive and impossible simultaneously. But rest assured, there is an easy way to get started if you’re new to jumping rope.

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Freestyle Chris Walker Freestyle Chris Walker

How To Jump Rope Like A Boxer?

Once you have the basics and fundamentals of jump rope down, the boxer style is one of the first styles you’ll see and be drawn towards. This is a minimalist, refined style which prioritises footwork, and swings with the inclusion of a double under at times. So how do we implement this style and start jumping like a boxer?

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