Day 11
Swing to Cross

Swing to Cross is a single swing at the side of our body that leads straight into a Cross. It is the second way in which we can perform a 'side swing'.

Quick Facts

Skill type: Side Swing
Difficulty: 🌶🌶
Prerequisite(s): Cross, Swing, Swing to Open
Time needed: ⏱⏱⏱
Rest day suitable: ✅

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Starting with the rope behind you, pull it up and over your head. As the rope approaches your feet, cross your left arm across your hips and place your left wrist in between your right hip and your right hand. If you look down at your hands you'll see they appear to be holding an imaginary box at your side. The rope will form an uncrossed loop as it swings past your right side. Next, fold your right arm across your hips and form a Cross, scooping evenly with both wrists as you jump the rope. Imagine scooping icecream from two tubs at yours sides. To exit the Cross, wait for the rope to pass over your head and then unfold your arms and finally jump the rope in an Open.


Swings can be used to transition in and out of skills such as the Cross. It's important to understand the difference between a swing that leads into an Open and a Swing that leads into a Cross as we explore more advanced types of crosses.

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