Day 17
Backwards Open

A Backwards Open is the exact same skill as the standard Open, except the rope is travelling in the opposite direction around us.

Quick Facts

Skill type: Foundational
Difficulty: 🌶🌶
Prerequisite(s): Heel Catch
Time needed: ⏱⏱⏱
Rest day suitable: ❎

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Jump lightly on the balls of your feet with your heels off the ground and your feet together. Use your elbows and wrists to turn the rope. Instead of shaking imaginary water off your hands like in the forwards Open, imagine you're cupping seeds with your palm instead. Draw your shoulders and elbows back to avoid letting your hands drift out in front of your body as you turn the rope. Like with the forwards Open, jump once per turn of the rope.


One of the beautiful parts about freestyle jump rope is the ability to do any skill on your left, your right and backwards. It can be a fantastic brain workout to learn your favourite forwards skill backwards.

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