Day 6
Side Straddle

Side straddle is our first of two types of straddle footwork. In a side straddle, the jumper splits their legs so their feet are slightly wider apart than shoulder's width.

Quick Facts

Skill type: Footwork
Difficulty: 🌶🌶
Prerequisite(s): Single Bounce
Time needed: ⏱
Rest day suitable: ❎

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With your hands in pocket position, turn the rope to jump once with both feet together. Then on your second jump, spread your legs after you clear the loop of the rope and land with your feet slightly wider than shoulder's width apart. Alternate between landing with your feet together and legs apart in the straddle. Avoid spreading your legs too wide during the straddle.


Footwork is a very good way to build up your coordination and timing whilst still developing your technique in the Open. More than that, the side straddle forms the basis of some types of stalls, which we will explore later when we discover direction change.

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