Day 3
Alternating Step

Alternating step, also known as 'speed step' is the same as the Open, except we jump on one foot at a time, alternating left and right.

Quick Facts

Skill type: Footwork
Difficulty: 🌶🌶
Prerequisite(s): Single Bounce
Time needed: ⏱⏱
Rest day suitable: ❎

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With your hands in pocket position, gently shift your bodyweight from foot to foot as you turn the rope by simultaneously lifting one foot off the floor as you lower the other, taking one step per revolution. Imagine running lightly on the spot. Avoid stamping your feet into the floor, and instead driving your knees forward. Make sure you turn the rope fast enough to alternate your steps at a normal running pace. Try this without the rope first to find your tempo.


This is the most foundational footwork in jump rope, and it forms the basis for speed competitions. It's also a great step up (pun intended), or progression, from the single bounce.

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