Day 13

A Toad is a leg cross where your bottom hand in the cross goes under your leg of the opposite side - so if your left hand is on the bottom of the cross, it will cross under your right leg.

Quick Facts

Skill type: Leg Cross
Difficulty: 🌶🌶🌶
Prerequisite(s): High Knee, Cross
Time needed: ⏱⏱⏱⏱
Rest day suitable: ❎

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Keeping your chest up, lift your right leg up so that your knee is above your hip. Then, starting with the rope behind you, pull it up and over your head. As the rope approaches your feet, cross your arms and reach under your right leg with your left hand. Make sure you reach far enough under your leg such that your hand completely passes to the outside of your right knee to allow the loop of the rope to pass around you. Jump the Toad on one leg scooping evenly with both wrists. As the rope passes over your head begin to uncross your hands, pulling your hands back to pocket position. Keep your leg raised fully until you have finished uncrossing and then jump the rope in an Open, landing on both feet together.


In freestyle jump rope, we will often cross around our body in awkward and sometimes complex ways. The Toad cross is the perfect introduction to this type of rope manipulation.

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