Day 19
Stall Between the Legs

A Stall between the legs is where we reverse the direction of the rope by bringing it to a complete stop between our legs with a side straddle.

Quick Facts

Skill type: Direction Change
Difficulty: 🌶
Prerequisite(s): Side Straddle
Time needed: ⏱
Rest day suitable: ✅

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Starting with the rope behind you, pull it up and over your head and jump an Open. Land the Open with your feet together. Then as the rope approaches your feet for the second time, jump again and land in a side straddle. Slow the rope down and bring it to a complete stop between your legs. Avoid letting the end of the rope flick up behind you. The moment the rope has completely stopped, pull it back out from between your legs and jump a third time, bringing your feet back together as the rope passes over your head. Bring your hands back to pocket position and jump the rope for a fourth and final time in a backwards Open with your feet together.

Here, the footwork will be - together, side straddle, together, together.

The rope manipulation will be - Open, Stall, reverse direction, backwards Open.


There are two foundational ways we can transition between jumping forwards and jumping backwards. Stalling requires a good sense of rhythm and a good level of rope control which are both key to jumping in a fluent style.

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